Saturday, July 26, 2014

Two months after...

Today is the future. Actually, it's the present, but the future keeps gaining on me faster and faster. At the beginning of the year, I had big plans for my blog. I had writing goals and other life schedules to help me transition through the changes I knew were coming. As you can see by my lack of weekly posting, most of them haven't worked out.

The problem was an enormous ball of stress that rested upon my shoulders. That, and an intense spell of bad luck where money, work, and vehicles were concerned. Long, long stories. Anyway...

My divorce has been final for two months, and things are finally turning around for me for the better. *knock on wood*

So what does that mean on the writing front? Wonderful things! 

I'm waiting to hear back from the final beta reader for Wanted: Vampire - Written in Blood, so I'm hoping to have that out soon.

I get my rights back for book one, Wanted: Vampire - Free Blood, on August 24th of this year, so I'll have more control over pricing and will be looking for more ways to promote.

I plan to republish my 10k short story, Autumn's Call, which was originally published in the Cupid Painted Blind anthology.

Currently, two muses have been attacking me with a vengeance. The second book in my Egyptian Duet is well underway, and I've started writing my very first erotica story. I'm excited about both!

A huge thanks to everyone who's given me support this year. You have kept me going, and you are all in my prayers!

How has your year been so far?

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