Friday, January 29, 2016

The Busy Executive Diet

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busy exec diet Lose that excess weight and keep it off for good—even with your hectic lifestyle! Executives face extraordinary stress and challenges to maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle. Frequent travel, dinner meetings, and high pressure jobs combine to create a difficult environment, both outside and inside the body, for sustaining healthy habits.  

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Gabriella Kindert     Now an internationally successful financial executive who overcame these hurdles shares her secrets to: * Lose the extra weight without having to buy expensive diet products or go to weekly meetings * Regain energy and stamina * Look younger * Feel healthier * Never have to diet again The methods outlined in The Busy Executive Diet are proven ways of building better eating habits for sustained health that happen to also slim your waistline and give you a more youthful appearance. About the author: Gabriella Kindert (MBA, MA) is a finance executive who has worked in numerous countries for leading organizations. Over the years, she has attributed her success to hard work, diligence, and dedication. In addition to her job, she is a founding partner of several successful companies. Despite her busy schedule, she is a mother of two children and a devoted wife. During her career she realised the importance of balance, nutrition, physical activity for better control of every aspect of life. She has established an organization called One Life, which actively promotes a healthier lifestyle. You can also follow her on Facebook.    


Less Stress: 88 best practices and inspirations from historical leaders

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Screen Shot 2016-01-19 at 10.41.21 AMDo you want to discover how Cleopatra, the famous Egyptian queen succeeded to manage stress and stress symptoms? She was not just one of the most beautiful women in the world, but also one of the most powerful ones. Find out what was her secret by reading this book. You will also find out many interesting things that helped, for example, Alexander The Great, Coco Chanel and many other famous inspirational leaders. The most interesting thing is that their approach and strategies can be applied to us today. History has so much to offer to those who are open to learning from it. Besides inspirations from historical leaders, this guide will show you how to fight stress on a practical, easy and relatively fast way.

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Gabriella Kindert   You will learn how to strengthen: * your mental health and stress resistance; * self-confidence; * self-control in stressful moments.   About the author: Gabriella Kindert (MBA, MA) is a finance executive who has worked in numerous countries for leading organizations. Over the years, she has attributed her success to hard work, diligence, and dedication. In addition to her job, she is a founding partner of several successful companies. Despite her busy schedule, she is a mother of two children and a devoted wife. During her career she realised the importance of balance, nutrition, physical activity for better control of every aspect of life. She has established an organization called One Life, which actively promotes a healthier lifestyle. You can also follow her on Facebook.      

Hy-Jinx: Tales from the Pleasure Planet Rinwal Book Blast

12607105_10156435727805576_1298250579_nBeing an officer on the Miden District Police Force is not all it’s cracked up to be—particularly when your partner is a total jerk. When the chance comes along to move up in rank and lose her partner, Armindy Jinx doesn’t think twice about it, especially when she finds out that she’ll be looking for the detective she’s been fantasizing about for the last three years. Undercover and in over his head, Detective Afintae Daedrik has spent the last five months trying to take down an intergalactic sex slave ring that’s responsible for a rash of kidnappings in the Miden District. Just as he’s on the cusp of finding out who the big boss is, he’s surprised to find Officer Jinx cuffed to the arrival table. Desperate to stop the sex slave kidnappings, Armindy poses as bait to draw out the big boss. Embracing the sexual fantasies that await her, including the ones about Afintae, isn’t so bad—that is, until the head honcho shows up, and things go from fulfilling a curiosity to dangerous in the blink of an eye. Can Armindy and Afintae hold it together long enough to nail their culprit, or will this risky business be the end of them both?

Buy for only $.99 during release week!

Amazon / Nook / Kobo / iBooks / Smashwords

christineChristine Powell Gomez (AKA- CG Powell) started writing in 2011, after much consideration, she decided that indie pubbing was the direction for her. Since then she has never looked back, Christine has written books and short stories in the paranormal, science fiction, fantasy, and erotica genres all with a twist of romance. Before self-publishing, she worked a plethora of jobs that only enforce her love of the written word such as: her adventures in the Navy, working for the USDA in the sugar cane fields of south Louisiana, Cisco Networking (CCNA), working for the French Air Force as a technical advisor on electronic parts and becoming a (GIA) Gemologist. Christine has taken her vast knowledge and insatiable appetite for learning and applied it to the stories she writes. In 2012 Christine opened The Book Swag Shop, which caters to indie authors looking for unique swag items for their fans. This venture has helped her to understand branding, time management (still working on this one), and business management. It has also enabled her to meet other authors outside her usual circles.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

The Busy Person's Guide To Everyday Enlightenment by Janey Bowyer

The Busy Person’s Guide to Everyday Enlightenment v2 (1)The Busy Person’s Guide to Everyday Enlightenment is the perfect antidote to the strains of modern living. Featuring easy-to-follow meditations, yoga sequences, techniques and holistic advice that you can apply to even the busiest of lifestyles. What makes this book different is that it is tailored to recognise in this time of hectic living that we all have the need to nurture, care and centre ourselves, yet we don’t always have the time for long practices to achieve this. Ironically, the very thing we have convinced ourselves we don’t have time to do - looking after ourselves - is what can lead to better health and a sense of inner calm. Within these pages, you will find easy-to-follow sequences. This book is a helping hand to those who wish to fit in some me-time self-care even into the most time-starved of lifestyles. You can learn to… • Develop techniques in as little as 5 minutes a day that can help you deal with stress • Turn everyday stressful situations into meditation just by shifting your perspective • Nourish your body with simple yoga schedules that can help target specific areas or states of mind, no matter how busy you are • Bring the holistic into the hectic and learn to Zen out when the rest of the world is rushing • Improve and progress with the help of handy tips • Enjoy guilt-free self-nurturing  

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20151119-REL-Jane_Bowyer-1179About the author: I grew up on a hill in the north of England. From a young age, I wanted to live in London. As a child, during the depths of night, I'd often listen to the hum of passing trains. Sometimes I'd run to my bedroom window hoping to catch a glimpse so that I could pretend that I too was travelling on one, speeding along, London bound, like the rest of the world was sleeping.
So one day in my late teens, I bought a one-way ticket and travelled to London with just £30.00 in my pocket and a bit of blind faith.
In my novel The Last Days of Lisa, (that I’m still writing), the main character Lisa mirrors how overwhelming it was for me to see London for the first time through the eyes of a teenager travelling alone….
‘London never rests, she thinks. It’s on speed. A vortex, absorbing everything. Running from its own stench but also basking in it. Seemingly superficial and plastic to those not enchanted by its ambivalent charms. London has a soul; a ravenous appetite that feeds on the egos of the thousands that flock here each day to get closer to their dreams. ‘
Not long after moving to London, yoga and writing graced my life. I think they both saved me. On the writing front the spark came after reading the book, Catcher in the Rye. I’d not had the opportunity to study much as a child but that didn’t matter now as this book blew me away. “If you really want to hear about it, the first thing you’ll probably want to know is where I was born, and what my lousy childhood was like, and how my parents were occupied and all before they had me, and all that David Copperfield kind of c—p, but I don’t feel like going into it, if you want to know the truth.” J.D Salinger As for yoga, another book in the form of a second-hand yoga book written back in the 1960’s made its way into my mitts via a second-hand bookstore. As I’d said earlier, to start with I wasn’t very good at either. Dyslexia and lack of flexibility and poor posture were my obstacles. I could see beyond that though as both yoga and writing offered me hope and possibilities that before this I hadn’t ever thought possible. Before yoga and writing I believed I was useless and had nothing to offer the world. So I worked hard at studying for more than a decade. The author John Harding was the first teacher to believe in me. After studying writing under his inspiring tuition, I even managed to get a few novels published along the way. On the yoga side, I studied both Hatha and later Kundalini yoga and despite not being naturally flexible nor a person who liked to sit still. It was in India back in 2004 that I had my first awakening experience. During all this time, I also managed over the years to work my way up from an office junior job to a finally a supervisor position, having worked for most of my life in a string of unfulfilling office jobs. The good news that in October 2015 I left office work to become The Word Sprite full time! The silver lining in all of this is through my personal experience of having to be creative with my time I came up with the concept of yoga and holistic solutions for modern day living. Hence, this is how The Word Sprite was born! Read Janey's awesome article How to Manifest Real, Lasting Love on MindBodyGreen.  

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Saturday, December 12, 2015

Commander Henry Gallant Book Blast

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Commander Henry Gallant - EBook
He thought Alaina loved him, but now she’s found someone else. A tidal wave of loss and grief swept over Henry Gallant, leaving him undecided about what to do next, or how to move forward. Despite his sorrow, he goes on a dangerous mission to an invading aliens’ home world in the Gliese-581 star system. There he uses a neural interface to penetrate their communication network and steal a high ranking alien’s identity. Through this artifice he learns about their history and society, and discovers a way to hinder and possibly defeat them. A side-effect of linking into the alien network—which was created for autistic savants—is that Gallant’s mind was stimulated and enhanced to the point where he begins to experience superintelligence abilities. Upon returning from his mission, there is concern that Gallant might pose an even more serious threat than the aliens. While he struggles to fend off those who doubt his loyalty, he fights to win back Alaina. This is the fourth book of The Henry Gallant Saga, but it can be read as a standalone story.

Releases February 19th, 2016.

Preorder Commander Henry Gallant on Amazon

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About the author:

As a scientist and author specializing in technology innovation, H. Peter Alesso has over twenty years research experience at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). As Engineering Group Leader at LLNL he led a team of scientists and engineers in innovative applications across a wide range of supercomputers, workstations, and networks. He graduated from the United States Naval Academy with a B.S. and served in the U.S. Navy on nuclear submarines before completing an M.S. and an advanced Engineering Degree at M.I.T. He has published several software titles and numerous scientific journal and conference articles, and he is the author/co-author of seven books.
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Friday, December 11, 2015

The Height of Perpetual Love Book Tour

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The Height of Perpetual LoveThy love is ageless, it penetrates the depth of time and encircles the face of your abiding love. In the shelter of the storm it shines it majestic power, giving soothing tranquility to the stormy seas. Know thy flames can never be extinguished or humanity hold its essence in the palm of their hands, for it is the power of the Holy Spirit that radiates its light and gives strength to the weary. It flows as music on air its notes give harmony and feeds the heart compassion.

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About the author

monica hudsonMonica F. Hudson has given her writing ministry a visionary depiction of boldness and creative awareness through her covers that leads you down a path inside the pages of not just truth, but a praise dance that any saint would give up a rejoicing word for. She is after all a spiritual writer, who has a genre that includes Christian discipleship, empowerment, and spiritual inspirations, leading her to a string of book, journals, and articles that look like a hymnal turned inside out. She is the author/publisher of Hudson Publishers, a company that markets Christian books for those who want a deeper meaning in their walk with Jesus Christ. She is a member of Allen Temple A.M. E. Church in Pine Bluff, AR. She is a member of the American Christian Writers, Spiritual Writers Association, Association of Writers and Writers Programs just to name of few. Find out more about this writing ministry at

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A Paris Christmas Book Tour


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AParisChristmasBillionaire Nicholas Adrien Rousseau works seven days a week. He lives on a schedule, doesn’t like surprises, plans his days, and outlines his goals. Until an irresistible blonde slides into the backseat of his Mercedes, mistaking him for the driver of the car service provided by his company, Bridal Bliss. Bella Rose is late for the airport. The opportunity to turn Creative Couture into an International marketing firm is a dream come true, but if she doesn’t catch the last flight home to the states, she’ll miss Christmas Eve with her family. Two strangers with an attraction that could melt an iceberg, are stranded in the heart of Paris, the city of light and love. When Bella throws caution to the wind, deciding to accept the spontaneity life has thrown her and enjoy the journey, she never imagines it will lead to the man of her dreams. Adrien realizes too late that by hiding his identity, he could lose the one woman who loves the man and not the money.

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About the author:

My husband and I live in the suburbs of Nashville, Tennessee with our three dogs. When I'm not working or writing, I can be found with family and friends. I love to bake in the winter, grill in the summer, and on occasion, I sneak away from everyone and curl up with a good book.

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